Last Updated: Apr 26, 2019     Views: 60

EPUB vs PDF eBook Format

  • EPUBS function better with screen reading software.
  • EPUB is an HTML-based format, so it may contain links within the text, either to other sections of the book, from the index to relevant pages, and out to the open web.
  • EPUB eBooks text will re-size and change shape to fit the size and shape of the screen, like a webpage. This is called Reflowable Text.
  • Reflowable text impacts pagination. Publishers handle this differently; some embed pages to match the print or PDF version, some leave them out entirely. When publishers do not provide EPUB page numbers, you can navigate using the Table of Contents sections or using embedded links.
  • The zoom in/out tools have been removed from the EPUB viewer because the text resizes automatically.


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